Synopsis: This white paper explores the role of real world data in observational studies, discusses the benefits and challenges associated with these studies, and features insights from both pharmaceutical and health system research directors on using clinical data in observational studies. It also shares opportunities for how hospitals and health systems can support observational studies most effectively.
Observational studies offer a unique opportunity for hospitals and health systems. With the growing availability of large datasets, healthcare facilities are well-positioned to leverage de-identified clinical data in medical research.
This white paper explores the role of real world data in observational studies, discusses the benefits and challenges associated with these studies, and features insights from both pharmaceutical and health system research directors. It also shares opportunities for how hospitals and health systems can support observational studies most effectively.
Through their data, hospitals and health systems can help make clinical research more efficient, less costly, and more inclusive.
This article is for:
- Pharmaceutical research leaders who want to learn more about working with health systems and their real world data.
- Hospital and health system research leaders who are looking for solutions to their data curation roadblocks.
- Anyone interested in best practices for the use of real world data in observational studies.
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