Synopsis: This white paper shares common challenges related to eCQM reporting and offers considerations for healthcare leaders evaluating solutions. It also discusses how hospital partners can benefit from Q-Centrix’s eCQM offering and outlines best practices for how hospitals can effectively manage eCQM submissions.
Electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) are becoming increasingly important in healthcare—but managing eCQM submissions can pose significant challenges for hospital staff.
Given this, facilities must have an approach that fosters both process and performance improvement and ensures data integrity without placing excessive demands on staff time and resources.
This white paper discusses common challenges related to eCQM reporting and shares best practices for how hospitals can effectively manage these submissions. Additionally, it examines considerations for healthcare leaders evaluating solutions and explores the benefits of Q-Centrix’s eCQM offering.
This white paper is for:
- Quality leaders looking for ways to manage eCQMs more efficiently
- Those interested in learning how eCQM data can be used to foster process and performance improvement
- Healthcare leaders evaluating potential eCQM solutions
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