Synopsis: A recent Q-Centrix survey asked healthcare leaders about their strategic planning. Results show that clinical data is an essential factor in almost all decision-making.
As healthcare leaders adapt to current industry demands, their strategic planning is increasingly focused on the immediate future or guided heavily by data. In response to these evolving strategies, Q-Centrix conducted a survey targeting executives and senior managers across U.S. hospitals and health systems. The findings highlight that 99% of leaders use clinical data to shape strategic decisions. Notably, despite the challenges posed by a significant healthcare labor shortage, most respondents are optimistic about their ability to adapt. This emphasizes the critical role of robust data analytics tools and expertise in enabling effective strategic planning in healthcare.
This infographic is for:
- Healthcare executives and managers directly involved in strategic decision-making looking for benchmarks and insights to inform their operational and strategic plans.
- Analysts and consultants who are looking to better understand current trends and challenges to guide their recommendations.
- Medical and healthcare policymakers wanting to grasp the broader landscape of labor market conditions and hospital operations and planning.
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